Updated Call for Papers
Asian Literacy Conference 2020 and RAP Golden Jubilee Celebration “ RAP 20/20: Towards Nations of Readers” July 30-August 1, 2020 Manila Hotel, Manila Philippines The Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP) marks another milestone in 2020 as it celebrates its 50th year of existence. Part of the celebration is the hosting of the Asian […]
Rowing Around the Philippines 2020
Since September 2017 when ROWS@50 was launched in Sta. Rosa, Laguna, the Reading Association of the Philippines, Inc. (RAP) has conducted more than 20 ROWS all over the country!
Guidelines for the RAP@50 Awards
It’s RAP’s 50th birthday!
RAP (Reading Association of the Philippines) has always been at the forefront of efforts to promote literacy nationwide thru teacher-training seminars, workshops and conventions. As part of its golden anniversary celebration with the theme, “20/20 Vision: A Nation of Readers,” RAP seeks to award organizations, institutions and individuals that have made major impact on improving our nation’s literacy at the local, national or international level.
New RAP Officer for 2019-2022
The Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP) elected its new board of directors and set officers last April 24, 2019 at Xavier School San in San Juan City, Metro Manila.
Call For Lesson Plan Submissions 2019
RAP’s annual demofest is a showcase of demonstrations of best instructional practices and as such we invite lesson plan submissions and poster presentation from various disciplines that address the theme “Multiple Literacies: Empowering Learners for the Future.”
Call For Paper Submissions
RAP’s annual convention is a showcase of researches in the field of literacy and as such we invite research work submissions from various disciplines that address the theme “Literacy Through Literature”.
New RAP Officers
Let’s welcome the new RAP officers for the year 2018-2019! Click here to know more.